"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants" --Sir Isaac Newton, in a letter to Robert Hooke


It's my first day back on the job, and right now, I'm sitting in my cubicle listining to Weezer and waiting for the bossman to call and give me the next stack of faceless files to alphabetize and stash away in an attourney's filing cabinet down the hall. My feet are sweating within my old thrift-store dress shoes, and my puke-green 'dress-pants' are fraying both at the zipper and at the bottom of the pant legs. It's no secret that I don't want to be here.

There is a map of the Colorado Trail on a bullitin board infront of me that I pinned up before I left. Back then, the Colorado Trail was a dream; now, its a fragmented memory.

Which brings me to the reason why I've created this blog in the first place. Last semester, I wrote an essay for a comp class that was about my motives for writing. I was trying to be impressive, so I did this whole extended metaphor thing where I explain how writing is like going into war, and how I like to write for the thrill, and how I want to win the 'war of writing' and be famous and all that kind of crap. I have a confession: I was full of shit. I don't get an adrenaline rush when I write, and to say it gives me a real thrill would be like saying that I love watching grass grow, or even worse, golf. I write because I can immortalize a moment. I write because saying 'been there, done that' just isn't enough. Life is full of too many delicate intricacies and facinating details to rely on memory to recall all of the beautiful particulars. I write because one day, we are all going to die, and every moment not shared and recorded may as well have not existed at all.

I've kept a journal the entire six weeks of the trip, most of which I will be sharing with you. Feel free to comment or email me; I'd love to hear your thoughts.

ANYWAYS, thanks for checking out my blog. I'll be updating this page as fast as my fingers can type, so be on the lookout.

By the way, I'm dead-fucking-broke right now, so if anyone wants to buy a T.V., bed, some comic books, or a sex-slave, I'm your guy.




Sonny said...

sex slave huh.

sicilian said...

Nice blog so far Gavin! Keep it up, I'm enjoying the read.